the Sub Zero is not a good place to keep your coffee. ~That is unless it is already brewed and you would like it chilled for iced coffees or espresso for chilled or frozen concoctions!
Humor aside, it is intuitive for most people to keep coffee in the refrigerator.
And a lot of people do it simply because it seems natural to do so.
After all isn’t that the place where we preserve the freshness of most of our food?
But most people I know do not keep their Cheerios, and neither their salt or flour , nor any other dry goods for that matter inside the moist damp interior of the refrigerator. The milk on the Cheerios is OK to keep in the fridge!
Coffee is a dry good, and rapidly absorbs moisture from the environment
and the inside air of a refrigerator is very moist and may at times
even have the added benefit of smelling like Sushi or Vidalias!
Hmmm…. Cucumber Roll Colombian… that might work?
Coffee is a naturally oily product (The darker the roast the more oily too)
and while it is subject to going rancid over a significant period of time exposed to the environment, it does not spoil rapidly like other fresh foods e.g. milk, meat, etc… People know immediately if they get a cup of really rancid (fermented) coffee. It is an unmistakable sensation and causes one to make immediate turns to rid even that first mouthful from their being. That said, roasted coffee loses it magical flavor and aroma rapidly when exposed to the air.Exposure to the air causes staleness, loss of flavor and that special brightness we all appreciate in a fine cup.
***Your coffee’s primary enemy to freshness is OXYGEN. The best way to protect
your coffee’s flavor to invest in a really good airtight container
and then to store only what you will use in for up to a 10 day supply in a cool dark placeat room temperature. Coffees wonderful magic is the flavor and aroma of a really fresh roasted and properly brewed cup of coffee:One of life’s most affordable luxuries.
Whole bean coffee can be initially fresh frozen but coffee should never be thawed and refrozen because freezing the coffee fundamentally degrades the moisture and the cellular structure of the beans and refreezing creates further havoc and simply isn’t recommended. Additionally, it is never recommended to freeze ground coffee at any time.
For example:
If you buy your coffee supply in advance of need say five or ten pounds at a time,
but use only a pound about every 10 days or so, then ideally, you
should divide the coffee in ten one pound aliquots, then remove just enough coffee
(One Pounder) to thaw for 10 days consumption.

**Grind your coffee right before brewing and serve immediately
for the very best cup.
Remember, oxygen is your biggest enemy followed by moisture, and of course time.
Wishing you a terrific cup of coffee and remember:
“The Best Cup of Coffee In The World, Is the One You Like Most”
~~ Jim Gilson, Partners Coffee
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